Planet from the Dune series; home of the Fremen, a group of fictional people whose culture revolves around preservation and conservation of water, which is a rare commodity on the planet.
Planet from the Dune series; the original home of the House Atriedes, a fictional noble family.
Planet from the Dune series, known for its musical instruments.
Planet from the Dune series; a jewel planet known for its quality quartz, and which is mined out in the time of Shaddam I.
Planet from the Dune series; third planet of Epsilon Alangue, considered by many Zensunni Wanderers as their planet of origin.
Planet from the Dune series; the planet on which the younger brother of Miles Teg was poisoned.
Planet from the Dune series; the source planet for the Bene Gesserit's original poison drug, or, the "Water of Life", and the origin of the Bene Gesserit order itself.