It gives us our third time measurement - months derive from the time it takes the moon to rotate the earth and the words for 'Moon' and 'Month' are often connected.
Unlike the sun, the moon has static features that are visible with the naked eye. The earliest map we know dates to the 15th Century - but more common than seeing the moon as geography was seeing figures in its markings.
Deceased scientists, polar explorers, astronauts or cosmonauts.
Latin terms describing weather and other abstract concepts.
Latin terms describing weather and other abstract concepts.
Latin terms describing weather and other abstract concepts.
Latin terms describing weather and other abstract concepts.
Latin terms describing weather and other abstract concepts.
Terrestrial mountain ranges, nearby craters, and deceased scientists who have made outstanding or fundamental contributions to their fields.
Nearby craters or other landforms.
Nearby craters or other landforms.
Nearby craters.
Nearby craters.
Nearby prominent named craters.